
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Stampin Friends Blog Hop: Guest Designer

Hi and welcome to this month's Stampin' Friends Blog Hop. This month I'm happy to be one of three guest blog hoppers:
Maria Willis (Me! Woohoo!)

If you've already been hopping along with us then you've probably arrived here from Cindy's blog. If you'd like to go back to her blog you can click on this button...

Today the theme of our hop is Black, White and One Other Color. For my card I chose to use Melon Mambo as my accent color. I've been loving these little monsters from the Yummy to My Tummy stamp set (Occasions Catalog) and I decided to use them for both of my projects today. Here's the card I made...

I watercolored the monster and used the Pop of Pink DSP to add some fun to the card. I also watercolored part of a doily so I could add a little bit more subtle color. 

For my project I made a treat box. It's the size of a box of movie theater candy (Yes, I swiped my son's Sour Patch Kids so that I could make this). No matter what's inside the box though this little monster sure looks happy about whatever it is he just ate. 

I layered the monster over an embossed banner and some thick Bermuda Bay twine. Some Silver Metallic Thread and a silver doily finished the box off with a little flair. 

I hope you like what I made to share with you today and thanks for stopping by to look! I hope to see you all again soon!

I hope you'll continue along enjoying this hop of super talented artists.
Up next is Kim Lamos! 




Need more stamps now? Never fear! I've got you covered!
 Don't forget that during Sale-a-Bration (now) for every $50 USD you spend before taxes you will get to select a FREE item from the SAB catalog! If you are looking for the ultimate Stampin' Starter kit then now is the time! For $99 you will get to pick $125 in products of your choice plus any two stamp sets from the Main or Occasions Catalog! It really doesn't get better than that! Let me know if you have any questions!

Want a great discount on Stampin' Up! Products and to have a fun new stamping family? Join me on this fun adventure! I can't wait to be your super excited (possibly way too enthusiastic... No! That's not possible!) Stampin' Up! side kick and support lady! In case you didn't know, you can join Stampin' Up! just for the discount and never sell a single product. If you want to know the details just let me know. If you're looking for a discount on your favorite hobby (stamping and paper crafting with Stampin' Up! products) and want to earn money doing it... let me know! I'd love to talk with you whatever your interest might be! If you want to see a little more info go ahead and click the button below. Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. I love that little monster and all my favorite colors! Both so cute!!!

  2. Super cute projects! thanks for joining us Maria!

  3. LOVE the colour pop of both the Melon Mambo and the Bermuda Bay - a sure CASE for my card buffet next month!!

  4. Oh I love the colors you choose and that Monster-- so cute!!!!!!

  5. Too stinkin' cute, girl! I love them both, but I'm partial to the pink monster! Totally love both projects!

  6. Two cute projects. I love this little monster. From the little added pompom fringe to the doilies, you did a super job!

  7. So much fun I didn't purchase this set and I've been kicking myself!!

  8. Love these. Great color pop. TFS!

  9. I love your card and treat box. Thanks for being with us this month for the blog hop.
